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- Authoritative active file
- Maintained by David Lawrence at David has authority over the "Big 8" hierarchies on Usenet. This active file is a complete and current list of newsgroups available. Not limited to the "Big 8" groups only.
- About News-Posting, by J R Stockton - Explanation of Usenet terms and tips on how to write and post to Usenet.
- Alternate Usenet TOP 1000 - An alternate to the Freenix Top 1000 site.
- Amiga Network News - Amiga newsgroup summaries.
- Computer Partners - Brief explanation of newsgroups and instructions for using Netscape Navigator or Outlook Express for reading newsgroups.
- Finding the Appropriate Newsgroup - Lists of groups listed according to where to post common kinds of posts, where to read about common topics, and so on.
- Free Advice on Usenet News - An editorial introduction to Usenet.
- Freedom Knights of Usenet - Dedicated to free speech, and its implementation on Usenet, an alternative point of view. Information about Usenet sites of Virtue and surviving UDPs.
- Internet Software Consortium - An FTP site with archives of various Usenet related documents. Includes active files, control messages, list of Usenet hierarchies.
- Jukka Korpela's Material about Usenet - Selection of links to material on Usenet. Editorials by Jukka explaining the workings of Usenet and the reasons for certain conventions.
- Kevin Butler's Simple Guide to Newsgroups - A brief history about the origin of newsgroups and tips on how to participate in newsgroups.
- Links to Professor Timo Salmi's FAQ material - Timo Salmi has extensive advice on how to participate effectively in Usenet. Topics include: Proper quoting, proper signatures, how to respond to "crackpots", where to put test postings and other important topics.
- Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies - A complete list of newsgroup hierarchies and their descriptions.
- Mib Software Usenet Rapid Knowledge Transfer - Information about Usenet for users and developers.
- Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet - Links to Michael and Ronda Hauben's on-line book. Presents the history and impact of various aspects of the Net, such as the Internet, ARPANET, and Usenet. Attempts to help readers understand the origins of the Net, so they might help preserve its value throughout future developments and changes.
- Netscan Newsgroup Tracker - Social statistics on Usenet groups including number of posts and crossposts.
- News Group - Subscription tutorials on how to download files from binary newsgroups, such as movies, mp3s and programs.
- Homepage - Submission guidelines and archived reviews from, a newsgroup carrying reader-written reviews of other newsgroups.
- - Have the news from Usenet newsgroups delivered to your mail-inbox.
- Newsry - Similar to web hosting, hosts newsgroups accessible by connecting to (or a client's domain name). Newsgroups can be private (password protected) or public, but are not necessarily distributed to other news servers.
- The Old Home Page - Archived reviews from, a newsgroup carrying reader-written reviews of other newsgroups. Covers 1994-1999.
- Old Usenet Articles - First thread after 11 Sep 2001. First mentioning of Microsoft, announcement of Linux, and many others.
- pi's smiley list - Comprehensive list of smilies used on Usenet.
- Rules for posting to Usenet - Brief introduction to Usenet and appropriate guidelines to follow for posting.
- SmR-usenet - Usenet tutorials, FAQs, and reviews of usenet providers. Also providing free posting services via NNTP for text-only newsgroups.
- Snoozenet - Tim Pierce's New's Hacking page. Includes links to RFC 977, 1036, son-of-1036.
- SOUP: Simple Offline USENET Packet - Defines the SOUP Format. Primarily of historic interest.
- Top 1000 Usenet Sites - Statistics on Usenet sites calculated by taking a sample of news articles on many sites. Participation open to all Usenet sites, no matter how small. Stats available through mailing list or on this site.
- Usenet History - Covers many historical points of the evolution of Usenet, including "The Great Renaming" and the "explosion" of the Net.
- The Usenet Newbie Project - Learn everything about the Usenet in one place. How to access it, how to read posts, explanation of technical terms and acronyms and how to create your own Newsgroups.
- Usenet Oldnews Archive - All Usenet news from May 1981 to May 1982. Oldest known Usenet news.
- Usenet Replayer - Web-based Usenet tools, including news resources archive, news server search, posting and retrieving of Usenet messages, advertising products, and forgery cancellations. Free.
- User's Guide to the Changing Usenet - Explains how RFDs (Requests For Discussion) and CFVs (Call For Votes) can be used to change a Usenet newsgroup. Gives tips on how to stay abreast of changes in newsgroups and how to be an active participant.
- W-net : Everything About Usenet - Usenet basics. Learn about newsgroups from scratch. Learn how to get banned Newsgroups. Partial list of Newsgroups.
- I Remember Usenet - Brad Templeton recalls the early days of the Internet and the rise of Usenet. (December 21, 2001)
- The Geeks Who Saved Usenet - Article on the restoration of the early Usenet articles to the archives at Google Groups. [Salon.Com] (January 7, 2001)
- Interview with Brad Templeton - Brad Templeton was the founder, publisher and CEO of ClariNet the electronic news service on the Internet. (February, 1996)
- Usenet news.groups - news: - Google Groups
- Usenet news.announce.newusers - news: - Google Groups
- Usenet news.announce.important - news: - Google Groups
- Usenet news.newusers.questions - news: - Google Groups
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